I forgive you

Today, I'm writing you because I have something important to tell you. 

It's hard, I have to admit it, but I know that it's necessary, for both of us. That I have to do it if I want us to move forward. I’m doing it for you, but also for me, and because I’m tired of all this... You are holding me back in the past and it can’t continue.

I don't know where to start, so I’ll just write everything that comes in my mind. First, I want to apologize, for everything. For all the pain that I’ve caused you, for all the fights that we had. I recognize my faults, and I assume them. I’ve made I lot of mistakes, but you know, it’s just human to do mistakes… I know that being sorry doesn’t erase everything, but I think that it’s a good start, and a good move in the right direction.

However, there was something else more important that I wanted to tell you… You have to know that I forgive you. I forgive you for all the mistakes that you’ve made, even if you didn’t always want to admit it, for all the nights that I’ve spent crying alone in my bed, for all the times that I had to put a fake smile in my face when somebody was talking to me about you, or asking questions. For all the times that I had to say that I was okay, even if inside, I was dying of pain. For all the times that I had to lie when somebody was asking me why we weren’t talking anymore. You were always there for me, until that day, where you stop caring about me. That day, I learned that in life, the only person you can count on it’s you, and just you. But I also forgive you for all the times that I’ve hoped a second chance.

I hope that one day, you’ll be able to forgive me like I forgive you…

- A small person in a big world ©︎


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